How Can a Staffing Firm Help Support Your Assisted Living Organization?

How Can a Staffing Firm Help Support your Assisted Living Organization? Horizon Healthcare Management

Thanks primarily to the COVID-19 pandemic, many hospitals, clinics and health organizations are finding it challenging to locate and hire the healthcare professionals they need. And this challenge is especially acute when staffing assisted living facilities. Senior living organizations across the country have been feeling the brunt of the Great Resignation. With a 50% turnover… Read More »

Hiring the Right Person at the Right Time

Hiring the Right Person

Finding and hiring the best healthcare candidates can be a time-consuming exercise. High turnover makes many hiring managers feel they need to “just hire anyone” to fill a hole as quickly as possible, but that can lead to onboarding a bad fit. As a hospital administrator, hiring manager or HR professional, you can look at… Read More »

How to Negotiate a Better Nursing Salary

As a nurse, you don’t do what you do for the money alone. You entered the healthcare profession to help others heal, to improve people’s lives. To make a lasting difference.   With that being said, being fairly compensated for the hard work you do is important. And that’s only been made clearer over the past… Read More »

Career Going Fine? You Still Need a Medical Recruiter on your Side

Partnering with a Recruiter

You’re happy with your current healthcare career and that’s great. Many of your colleagues are feeling the opposite – due to COVID-19, job burnout, or both. Even if you’ve enjoyed the time spent working at your current medical facility, all good things must come to an end. Sometimes quicker than you’ve anticipated. But how do… Read More »

Is Staff Augmentation the Right Solution for Your Hiring Needs?

Staff Augmentation in Medical Industry

Thanks primarily to the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, staffing challenges for just about every type of company have never been greater. While job openings are rampant, and vacancies are going unfilled, many hiring managers or HR professionals are often finding it harder to locate and hire the best talent to meet their requirements.… Read More »

Looking for a Medical Shift when YOU want to Work? Become a Traveler!

Becoming a Travel Nurse

Admit it. As a medical professional, the idea of being able to work when, where and how often you want has probably crossed your mind. And you’re not alone. The travel healthcare industry – comprised of RNs, physicians, NPs, PAs, techs and other professionals – continues to grow. Healthcare was a booming industry prior to… Read More »

Make the Right Hire and Improve the Quality of your Memory Care Facility

When you hire care providers for your memory care facility, you certainly hope they’ll remain on the job for years to come. Staff retention is a concern in any industry these days, but it’s especially true for senior facilities, where frequent turnover can negatively affect resident care. High turnover may make you feel that you… Read More »

Why You Should Consider a Medical Staffing Partner

If you’re a hiring manager or HR professional that staffs nurses, physicians, NPs, allied health professionals, medical executives or other clinical professionals you’re probably working really hard these days. Among the many things COVID-19 is responsible for, medical staff turnover is right at the top. Things like job burnout, large numbers of professionals leaving the… Read More »

Why CNAs Should Consider a Healthcare Staffing Firm

Why CNAs Should Consider a Healthcare Staffing Firm

A CNA or certified nursing assistant is an important position in any healthcare setting. But if you’re interested in following this career path, you probably know finding the right job can be a lot of work, with a lot of competition. To prove the point, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics it takes job… Read More »

Nursing Shortage Impacts: Understanding Nurse-to-Patient Ratios

As long as people need healthcare, there will be a need for nurses. That’s one of the things healthcare workers tend to like about their profession – they have job security because the need is always there. But sometimes, the need outpaces the number of nurses that are available to fill the jobs. We’re currently… Read More »